Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Things are really heating up for the Liberty City Link!

Professor Reisner sent us an email over the weekend with links to different blogs which have picked up our recent announcement .  There are some as far as Italy talking about us, and even Editor & Publisher is going to be running something about us! All this attention is really very humbling, but it's also extremely intimidating. I feel like everyone has these high expectations for us, and I'm really nervous about meeting them. I want to do the best job possible, but I'm still in the process of learning everything I need to know, so I don't want to let anyone down.

As far as my story goes, I'm heading down to Liberty City this afternoon after class to speak to some students and local teens about their thoughts on the Hot Spot campaign. I think, with these interviews, I should be pretty much done with my story, and hopefully it'll be enough to go in for publishing as soon as Thursday! I'm giving a second draft to Reisner today and hopefully he likes it.